AGRI-3-1 ICP-OES - Time

ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy) is an analytical technique that utilizes optical emission spectrometry to detect and quantify elements in a sample. The technique relies on the emission of light from atoms or ions when they are exposed to a high-temperature plasma. 


he main steps of the ICP-OES process are:Induction: The sample is introduced into an inductively coupled plasma system, where it is exposed to a high-temperature plasma arc (between 6000-10,000°C).

Atomization: The high temperature causes the chemical elements in the sample to break into individual atoms or ions.

Optical Emission: When the elements exit the plasma, they emit light at specific wavelengths (each element emits light at a unique wavelength).


Optical Analysis: The instrument measures the emitted light and analyzes the data to determine the concentration of various elements in the sample.



Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Site


Core Facility of the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
